It is based on a vintage Otto Link STM ligature while I tried to bring something new to the design.
Supreme ligature has 3 adjustable points touching the mouthpiece besides the reed plate. Can work on any metal soprano, alto, and tenor.
Comes with a soprano plate and can be used on metal soprano pieces also. I experimented with a few sizes and materials on adjustable points and settled on plastic and metal points.
Comes with different reed plates so together with the points will provide several different sound and feel options.
They are free blowing, articulating and I like the sound I'm getting with them and I look forward to your comments.

This one fits a larger metal tenor piece.

They are unparalleled in their response and sound.
Sonud Divinus Ligature

Please contact me to discuss your project and the timeline before purchasing. I would need your desired tip opening and sound preferences.